August 16, 2002 Evening, Lighthouse Center Oregon … We should not criticize anybody. If we do criticize somebody, what will be the effect on that person whom we criticize? It will have a good effect. What was your reason for criticizing him? To push that person down and to damage him. But by this process you have […] […]
The life of the human body is a life of adjustment. When you feel well adjusted, you do not compare yourself to those who are higher than you or to those who are lower than you. You look only at your own self and know “I am okay.” This is the way to be. Then you will never suffer, never have any anxieties, and never have to work overly hard. You will never feel losses or gains or ups and downs, from which everybody suffers very much. […]
August 9, 2002 Morning, Lighthouse Center Oregon My dear souls, as you think, so you become. The life of man is automatic in many ways. Our sense organs bring impressions into us. With our eyes we can see, and what we see comes into us. What we see, we think about. Sometimes things are attractive to […] […]
August 7, 2002 Morning, Lighthouse Center Oregon … Our dining table is also our medicine table. A medicine that you ingest has a beneficial aspect. If instead of taking a useful medicine you use an inappropriate medicine, it will create problems. In the same way, food can be good or harmful for us, and we are to […] […]
4 de agosto de 2002, charla matutina, Centro Lighthouse Oregon Cuando vamos a Dios, nos encontramos en su regazo. Su amor esta ahí; su corazón esta ahí, su compasión está ahí, su suavidad y ternura están ahí, y nos sentimos parte de su propio ser, ya no nos sentimos separados de Él. Hay un flujo continuo […] […]
August 4, 2002 Morning, Lighthouse Center Oregon … When we go to God, we are in his lap enjoying all his love, his sympathy, his softness, and his tenderness. We feel like his own Self, not separate from him. There is a continuous flow of elixir, which we are enjoying and in which we are […] […]
July 31, 2002 Evening, Lighthouse Center Oregon … Who is to take care of this life, which we have spoiled? We are to take care of it. First, we are to educate ourselves: what is life, why we have problems in our lives, how we can get rid of those problems, and how we can enjoy life. […] […]
Lighthouse Center Oregon, July 29, 2002 Morning … How does God enjoy? He is all love, and he loves everybody. Although some may feel they are his enemies, his love is so strong and so possessive that he does not feel that anyone is his enemy. He feels: “All are mine. Everything is me. There is […] […]
July 28, 2002 Morning Talk, Lighthouse Center Oregon … My dears, are you all happy? Human beings are to be happy and to make all other living beings happy. How can we be happy? It is very simple: God is happy and is the source of all happiness. Anything other than him is opposite to him. […] […]
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