Sant Thakar Singh’s 1989-90 Africa Tour

From October 7, 1989 through February 14, 1990, Sant Thakar Singh traveled throughout the African continent visiting thousands of people and connecting them with the inner Light and Sound.

Thakar Singh visited a total of twelve countries: Tunisia, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Liberia, The Gambia, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, Zaire, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mali. The tour was enormous in scope; over 5,000 people received the holy Initiation.

At one public gathering Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and a variety of followers of traditional African religions all sat together in peace, realizing for a moment that as soul they were one.

We’ll be including on this site a complete compendium of the published talks given by Sant Thakar Singh during his Africa tour.

Enjoy the talks; they reflect a natural adaptation to local vocabulary and cultural references, as well as a resonance with the way of life of the audience on the African continent.


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