This Life Is a Field of Action

August 7, 2002 Morning, Lighthouse Center Oregon

Our dining table is also our medicine table. A medicine that you ingest has a beneficial aspect. If instead of taking a useful medicine you use an inappropriate medicine, it will create problems. In the same way, food can be good or harmful for us, and we are to take care with it. Food is not so intense in its actions, but medicines are very concentrated for specific functions, and in very small quantities they can affect us. If an incorrect medical diagnosis is given and the wrong medicine is taken in small quantities, it can create very grave problems. All food that is in nature has good effects if used properly. If food is in a natural condition, it will do very little or no harm. It would be very useful if we knew the effects of specific foods and if we were to eat appropriate foods according to our condition.

—Sant Thakar Singh

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